Trademark registration
Italian VersionTo maximise brand value, protect its ownership and prevent the risk of disputes.

What is a trademark?
In legal terms, a trademark is an element that distinguishes a product or service from its competitors, guaranteeing its uniqueness and ensuring that it is not counterfeited and/or misused by other competitors.
Why is it essential to register it?
Registering one’s trademark is essential for the reasons mentioned above, paying attention, however, to the type of legal protection applied, since registering a trademark in Italy does not guarantee protection in Europe or abroad.
It is necessary to choose, with the support of our consultants, the right type of trademark according to the specific business development strategy for each company.
In this context, four types of trademarks can be distinguished:
- Italian, with protection valid on Italian territory;
- European, with protection valid in EU countries;
- International, with protection in all countries chosen from those that joined the Madrid Protocol;
Before a trademark becomes ‘incontestable’, it must follow a specific 5-year permission process (divided into 3 phases), aimed at guaranteeing its effective uniqueness and with the possibility for anyone to exercise the right to oppose it.
In this period, it is crucial to receive all-round support to contest possible claims and make your case in the countries where you have chosen to expand your business.
Research by Compumark shows that around 85% of internationalised companies have suffered a trademark infringement, resulting in losses in terms of identity (45%), turnover (38%) and brand reputation (37%).
Being assisted by experts in the field who can offer international legal assistance is a pivotal point to confirm one's presence in foreign markets.
Contact us if:
- you want to register a trademark in Italy, Europe or abroad;
- you are interested in checking for equal or similar brand names;
- you seek bureaucratic support for registering and/or obtaining trademarks
- you want legal support for trademark defence, oppositions and litigation