Posting of workers abroad
Italian Version
The rules on transnational posting are contained in Legislative Decree no.136/2016, in force since 22 July 2016.
Most recently, Member States were required by 30 July 2020 to comply with the new EU Directive 2018/957 of the European Parliament and the Council of 28 June 2018, which intervenes by extending the already established guarantees on working conditions, health and safety. The Directive was transposed into Italian Law by by Legislative Decree No. 122 of 2020.
The transposition of the directive by the Member States has created a common posting system amongst the single European states, which nonetheless reserve the right to require formalities and fulfilments according to their own local laws.
In addition to fulfilling obligations on the Italian side, a company needing to send employees abroad must comply with the posting regulations of the country in which the service is to be performed.
Notifications of posting must be filed in different ways with the authorities of the country in which the activity is to be carried out, always before the employees are sent and the activities begin.
Through its network of foreign professionals, Servizi Confindustria Estero supports companies in checking compliance with the foreign country’s regulations, carries out posting paperwork and related activities that may be necessary such as translations and contract addenda.