EXPORT INFO DESK: request a consultation

Italian Version

Servizi Confindustria Bergamo operates through its network of foreign partners directly in the target markets.

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Servizi Confindustria Bergamo, thanks to its network of international partners, professionals in the management of international issues and located on foreign markets, has activated a desk dedicated to companies that need information and support, including operational support on foreign markets for the following issues:

  • Market analysis
  • Foreign commercial development: research of customers, distributors, agents and suppliers
  • Foreign legal assistance: contracts, the establishment of foreign companies, foreign personnel management
  • Secondment of workers abroad EU and EXTRA EU
  • Temporary and Digital export manager
  • Trademark registration
  • Transfer pricing and Patent Box
  • Foreign tax assistance: opening and managing foreign tax representation
  • Translations and interpreting
  • E-commerce development for foreign countries


In the following countries:

  • EUROPE: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium;
  • EAST EUROPE: Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania;
  • ASIA: China, India, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong;
  • MIDDLE EAST: Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Palestine, and Bahrain;
  • NORTH AMERICA: the United States and Canada;
  • SOUTH AMERICA: Brazil, Argentina;
  • OCEANIA: Australia, New Zealand.


The export counter offers free information and initial advice to all companies, while operational and specialized services are subject to quotation.

Your reference for business internationalization
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Foreign commercial development
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